Author Archives: admin
Boy Crazy: The Fraudster Lou Pearlman
The story of Lou Pearlman is set out in a rather lengthy but compelling article by Bryan Burrough. In short, Mr Pearlman swindled about $300 million from people who thought they were investing in his (fake) aviation business. It seems … Continue reading
Why the Poor Stay Poor
1100 words I have often heard people who ridicule the poor, blaming them for their poverty. They consider the poor to be wasteful and foolish. They imagine that if they themselves were poor, they would be able to lift themselves … Continue reading
How to Negotiate your Salary
1270 words. The best opportunity for you, as a salaried worker, to improve your income is through the salary negotiations that occur when you are offered the job and usually every year after that. It is hugely important to negotiate … Continue reading
How to Set Up a Budget
Add up all the income you get each year, from your job, dividends, interest, gifts from family, everything. Allow for tax. Divide the total by 52 to give you your weekly income. Make a record of everything you spend. Check … Continue reading
Tips on Getting a Rental Flat
You will need to have enough savings to pay for the bond as well as rent in advance. Costs might be higher than they were in your previous situation, so budget for that. Put the word out that you are … Continue reading
A Few Tips on Sharing a House
180 words. The main advantages in sharing a house or apartment are not just that it can save you a lot of money on rent, but it also allows you to live in a better neighborhood, closer to shops and … Continue reading
Tips on Finding a Job to Apply for.
530 words. Job opportunities are gradually drying up. This is a process which has been continuing since I started in the workforce, and probably before. Still, there are plenty of jobs out there, here are some ways to find them. … Continue reading
Review of Street Smarts by Jim Rogers
(This video is a bit off topic, but it gives you an idea of what Rogers is like. The full documentary is about an hour and well worth watching to see how things used to be in China.) The … Continue reading
001 In the News
Three items of news this week that sent my mind off. Studies found an increase in the rate of suicide since the 2008 financial crisis began. It is assumed that the financial crisis was the cause. I have never understood … Continue reading